today was great.
i slept until 10. blogged, showered, blogged. listened to bon iver. walked to work. on the walk i talked to my bro who loved on my fight.
"wait, wait wait, you told a lesbian to eat a dick? siiiiiiiiiiiick!! u dyke bruiser!"
got to work and made a rough video of the photojojo book. amit got there after an hour or so and then we made a few more videos until we had it perfect. he's such a dream boat.
i left work around 4 and went and got an incredible burrito from a place simply called, Taqueria. got on the bart and went to west Oakland where sophie met me. we went into this adorable new grocery co-op and bought strawberries. while we were checking out i mentioned my burrito and the guy asked if we were making strawberry burritos. then we all three went off on how rad it would be to make dessert burritos with strawberries and whip cream and a sweet tortilla - then the other cashier turns to us and is like, "isn't that called a crepe?"
omg we died of retardedness.
then we walked back to sophies BEAUTIFUL AMAZING WONDERFUL place with high high ceilings and cozy cozy vibez. katie came over and we all hung out and chit chatted and listened to music while i put together a towel tower for sophie's bathroom. loved it. at 9ish we went out to this bar called Eli's which was a total dive and the best. they had 209 gin on special for $4 and i played three rounds of pinball. then we went outside and hella tournamented free air hockey. i won against katie, then i won against sophie, then katie won against sophie, then i won against katie again. thats right, undefeated.
then we went back to sophie's where she hooked us up with hella clothes and books she's getting rid of and then took us to the bart. on the ride home i read more of The Unbearable Lightness Of Being. gawd, im obsessed. it keeps making me fall in love and then breaking my heart. very deep. very emo. love love love.
we came home and manged for a bit. cheese and pears and some pumpkin bread omg.
then here i am, about to watch glee on hulu.
oh, i got a text from dakota today that said, "Dude! I heard you got hired. Is it tru?"
and i didnt know if it was real, or like an attempt to get me to write back to her. i decided to not reply bc if it is true than eventually someone will call me and tell me. then on the bart home tonight i realized i had a missed call and voicemail as well as a text. the vm was something like, "hey girl, wanted to see whats up, shit, call me, fuck, youve got my number..."
im thinking of calling tomorrow or something. i just like dont even know what to say. i cant be a supportive friend and i dont want to get involved in ANY drama with that beezy again. the bruise on my jaw is bright black today.
it would b so bomb to have that job though.
i miss my friends. i really love it here.
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