Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

business idea

a cook book

about how to

reheat left-overs

in a way

that makes them




the first time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

love love

so much love talk to talk:

last weekend bradley and i went to a skate video premiere
great time, got wasted
after, on the walk home bradley told me he was going to marry me some day.

im in san jose this weekend for labor day with my dad

he wrote a song for my step bro's wedding and we are going to sing together

also found out he wrote a song about me and berg back in the day when we came to visit him. about summer lovin and how its good but fleeting.

and now, the kicker:

he also wrote a song about how my mom cheated on him...

never knew.

i've actually never asked either of them why they got divorced.
in my memory, they fought a lot, my dad worked in california, i remember them hitting each other once... it just made sense they would separate.

anyway, quite overwhelming all of it.

every piece of this post is as shocking and world shattering as anything ever could be. sorry i can't do it justice by explanation. i'm just quite, surprised i guess at my own cosmic hoopty ride this weekend.